
Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina - beelerbuntind

The Nioh 2 The First-year SamuraiMujina locations are important as players will want to save them to get the "A Friend So" trophy. They aren't collectibles like the Kodamas or hot springs, but these are the squirrel-equivalent creatures that skin inside of chests. Here's how to find all of the Mujina and how to save them in the "A Distant Dream" mission. Much like getting the Grilled Tang Sweets or acquiring Kukai's brushes, this is also needed for lecture the Mujina in the Interim for a later side mission.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Mujina locations

There are three Mujina in the "A Distant Dream" mission in Nioh 2. To save them, players need to free of them in antithetical ways. Good them nets turns them into a temporary ally until they die. Here's where each Mujina in The First Samurai is.

Mujina #1

Nioh 2 The First Samurai hot spring locations

The first Mujina in the level is near the loud cyclops logic gate in the beginning. But don't choke there yet. Rather, go near the first hot spring (the rest of which can be found here). Get to this crossroads and go right (not leftish toward the logic gate and cyclops) and follow out for the crab that pops up.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai hot spring locations

Go all the way up and take the way of life on the right side. Drop downwards ii diametric ledges and go along going.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

There bequeath be a path down to a house past a torch and a bone bridge. Go to the bone bridge.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

Once ford the bridge, look down to the left perfect a pit like in the above picture.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

Hop down and talk to the niggling Mujina in in that respect to make unnecessary them.

Mujina #2

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There is a dark area a little later on in the level. It is too extraneous. Get into the dark zone.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

There is staircase in this wooden area. Go around down both flights of steps.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

On that point is a blobbly Nupeppo down there. Kill off it and get the tonality.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

After grabbing the key from the Nupeppo corpse, hold up to the cells in that very same room.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

Unlock the door and talk to the Mujina.

Mujina #3

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

The final Mujina is near the gate by the final elevator and penultimate shrine. Set the hallway to the left that the arrow is pointing to.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

Continue down the hallway and attend the right past the lift ice and down the hall with the yellow plants.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

This will lead to the building in the in a higher place project. Go into the room that the arrow is pointing to.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai | How to save all Mujina

Go inside and talk to the final Mujina to get the trophy and ability to play a later side charge.


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